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Do you want to read more about the scientific concepts behind Intermittent Living? Explore these titles by Intermittent Living founder Dr. Leo Pruimboom and colleagues.

Become a Human Again: The Return of Homo Sapiens (in German) (Werde wieder Mensch: Die Rückkehr des Homo sapiens)

Become a Human Again: The Return of Homo Sapiens (in German) (Werde wieder Mensch: Die Rückkehr des Homo sapiens)

by Dr. Leo Pruimboom, Daniel Reheis, Kornelia Kovačević, Sophie Spadaro, Annette Sandner, Franziska Trebuth

A complete and captivating guide to eating a diet for which we are truly adapted. This book is about much more than just nutrition: it teaches readers to recognize how individual components of our everyday lives affect our health.

The authors explore the evolution of our species, and the modern dietary changes that have been detrimental to wellbeing. They go into detail on the biological mechanisms that drive various diseases, and explain how we can regain our health by better understanding our relationship with our environment, and eating a species-appropriate diet.

The book is brimming with over 70 recipes – from a fruity orange and saffron soup to fried radicchio salad with watermelon and pecan nuts, fish parcels with lemongrass and leek vegetables to a cardamom and coconut pudding.

The result is a fascinating variety of flavors that the reader can prepare themselves with little effort. This book is written for anyone interested in taking back control of their health and adopting a species-appropriate lifestyle.

Scientific Publications
Scientific Publications
Scientific Publications
The health benefits of intermittent exposure to different environmental stimuli has been demonstrated in a number of scientific papers published in reputable medical journals.

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