Become an
intermittent living coach
We invite you to take part in the Intermittent Living Coach Reset Course led and organized by the International Institute for Intermittent Living (IIFIL).
The course is open to any individuals with a medical or paramedical background, including personal trainers, nurses, sport scientists, medical doctors, physiotherapists, naturopaths, and more.
What are the benefits?
You can start organizing Intermittent Living Health Experiences for patients and clients
You’ll become a full member of the IIFIL
You’ll have access to the full library of Intermittent Living presentations and scientific publications produced by members of IIFIL
You’ll have a 25% discount on all Intermittent Living merchandise
You’ll have a 15% discount on recycle courses
What are the license conditions?
Medical or paramedical background
Completed Intermittent Living Coach Reset Course
Passed theoretical exam at the end of the reset course
Regular recycling of Intermittent Living knowledge by carring out a 2-day course per year